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Weddings at First Presbyterian Church of Merchantville are performed for anyone, member or otherwise, who would like to rent out the space. Please contact our church secretary at (856) 662-6252 or email for more information about renting the space.


Scheduling Your Wedding

The date and time for your wedding (and rehearsal) should be set with the Church Secretary as long in advance as possible. The Church Secretary will answer any of your questions and mail a Wedding Application form to you. When you complete the application, please use your full names as you wish them to appear on the official Marriage Certificate.


When the church receives your completed application, the Secretary will schedule the date with the appropriate members of the church staff, including the Pastor who will perform the ceremony, the organist, and other necessary staff you may need. If the church calendar permits and staff are available your date will be placed on the church calendar, and you will receive confirmation. 

If you need to make changes to your plans, especially with regard to the time and date of either the rehearsal or the wedding ceremony, you must consult with the church first.



The Minister and Counseling

As an engaged couple, you should arrange for a pre-marital appointment with a Pastor to be held no later than three months in advance of the wedding date. During this counseling session, the Pastor will discuss your relationship, your expectations and understanding of marriage, your plans related to children, your general readiness for marriage, and the importance of how your faith will shape and inform your lives together.


The Order of the Service

In your conversations with the Pastor, you will also discuss the wedding ceremony and begin to make decisions about Scripture passages to be read, ceremony participants, and the Order of Worship. Sometimes the details take several meetings to complete. The final order for the service must be completed at least ten days before the ceremony.

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