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Church isn’t just about attending a service on Sundays, although we hope you do. Instead, it is a place to get involved in the community and grow your faith. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for individuals and families to become isolated.

The Christian and Presbyterian conviction is that a true life of faith in Christ is lived out in community. The renewing, transforming Spirit of Life does its best work when the walls that divide us are broken down, and that, as Jesus promises, “where two or three are gathered, there I am also.”


Here are some of the ongoing opportunities for personal outreach and service to others.

Close to Home

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry is open on select dates. Needs continue to increase, so please support our pantry by donating food or sending monetary donations. 

Thrift Shop

Our thrift shop is open on Mondays from 10 a.m to 1 p.m.

Nursery Assistants

Volunteers are always needed in the Church Nursery. You'll never be on your own. Please sign up on the clipboard in the Sanctuary or contact the church office.

Greeter and Usher Volunteers

If you'll be at a Service, you can pitch in by helping greet people as the enter the Sanctuary. You can also serve as an Usher by helping collect the offering. Please sign up in advance on a clipboard in the Sanctuary or just pitch in if you see help is needed.

Service Master Volunteers

Please pick a Sunday to help keep everything running smoothly. The Service Master of the day has several duties, but they are all listed on a checklist and easy enough for anyone to handle. Plus, there's always someone around to help if you have questions.

Audio/Visual Support

Want to sit in a reserved seat in the back of the Sanctuary one Sunday? Why not learn how to advance the slides or work the sound board? While we have a faithful few people dedicated to those tasks, they sometimes need a break. It would be great to have a few folks ready to step in if ever needed. Could that be you?

Beyond Our Walls

Urban Promise Ministries in Camden

Each year we sponsor at least 2 children with scholarships to attend the Camden Forward School. Each scholarship costs $2,500. Please help support this important mission. We accept donations all year long. They are greatly appreciated!

Throughout the World

Kenya Missions

Shop the ever-changing Kenya Display in our Hearth Room to support this mission. We also accept donated goods to sell at the Display. The types of goods accepted include: jewelry, small gifts, various accessories and household items. Thanks for your support! Contact Charlotte Chant or Peris Oribabor to learn more. 

The Persecuted Church/Widow's Mite

Donate via check with notation in the offering plate or by dropping your donation into one of the Widow's Mite Boxes located at both entrances to the Sanctuary. Questions? Contact Margaret Stevenson. Thank you!


Ministry Support
Our work in the mission field is to support these and other great ministries.
  • The causes supported by the West Jersey Presbytery

  • One Great Hour of Sharing

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